Welcome to Coffeelike

This is Coffeelike, a two column CSS template by TEMPLATED with photos from PDPhoto. It's released (for free) under the Creative Commons Attribution license, so feel free to use it for any personal or commercial work (just give us credit for it). Hit up our website for more awesomely cool free templates, and follow us on Twitter (@templatedco) for updates, announcements, and other mildly interesting ramblings.

Primis dolor fringilla porta

  • Quis faucibus mauris quis consectetur lobortis parturient sit turpis scelerisque neque aliquet.
  • Lobortis malesuada penatibus porta varius ligula blandit sit dolor mattis morbi ullamcorper posuere tempus.
  • Diam nunc turpis placerat imperdiet ac cras ac sociis aliquam sed lacinia augue suspendisse.